Continuing Education

Every listed qualified individual, including listed qualified individuals pursuant to G.S. 87-50, shall complete continuing education for each annual license period to renew the license on which the qualified individual is currently listed, for the next annual license period.

Effective for renewals on or after July 1, 2008, all persons seeking to renew qualification must demonstrate that a minimum of one-half the continuing education hours for each annual license period were obtained by in-person classroom or seminar attendance.  All active credits posted prior to July 1st have been recorded as classroom credits

CE Credit Search

If you are currently listed on an active license, you may view your continuing education credits.  Click the button to open the CE Credits Search and view your credit hours.

CE Course Search

Contractors can search for CE courses using our list of approved course sponsors and instructors. Click the button below to open the online listing and search for courses by date range or by sponsor.

CE Requirements by License Classification


Unlimited / Intermediate / Limited / SFD Licenses

8-hours CE Required
(8 classroom hours OR 4 classroom + 4 online)


EL / ES / FALV / PH / SP / WP

(Special-Restricted Licenses)

4-hours CE Required
(4 classroom hours OR 2 classroom + 2 online)

Contact Hours

Approved courses must be offered for no fewer than the minimum number of contact hours required for the license classification pursuant to .1101(b). Credit shall be granted to the qualified individual only upon completion of an entire course.

When a qualified individual has completed more than the required number of hours of continuing education in any one license period, the extra hours may be carried forward in multiples as specified in .1104(a) and treated as hours earned in the following one or two additional license periods. No credit will be granted for courses attended prior to being qualified by examination.

Become a Course Sponsor or Instructor

Interested parties must submit applications to the Board by March 1 of the year prior to the license period (July 1 – June 30) in which the course will be offered. Please refer to 21 NCAC 18B .1102 and .1103 for specific requirements. Click the button below to download an application.

CE Instructor of the Year Award

The Board awards an annual Continuing Education Instructor of the Year award to the CE instructor receiving the most votes. The award is presented to the winner at the annual NC Electrical Institute. Click the link below for more information, to view past recipients, or to cast your vote!

William A. Parris
Continuing Education & Examinations Manager
Telephone: (919) 733-9042 ext. 203
Email address:

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505 N. Greenfield Parkway, Suite 100, Garner, NC 27529


(800) 691-8399